My Playlist

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Finding Out Who I am

Ever since I was a little girl, I've always wondered about who I am and what kind of personality and style I have. Throughout elementary school I really didn't care about what I wear or what I say. But, then middle school came around the corner and I didn't know who I should be, my mom always told me to be myself but I didn't know who that was. So, every week I would have a different style and personality. For 1 week I was Gothic and I had a "i couldnt care less" attitude, then for another week I was a Girly-Girl that had all these cute outfits on and kept saying "ew" at everything gross. Then for another week I was a complete Tom-Boy and I pulled that off very well! I was already starting to act manly (lol) but I soon realized that Im just not a tom-boy. So, basically I have had all these observations and experiments on the different type of person I should be. But, I was always a movie-buff so Im basically a little Theatrical, I tryed being in a couple of plays but I hated it. Because I have a "quit it" type of attitude. But I soon then discovered the InTeRnEt, and I found and I saw all these photos of the type of styles alot of tumblr girls had and I realized I really Love those kind of cutesy styles so I finally found my style. Now I had to find my personality and guess what? I also realized I'm the kind of Chill/Lovable/Funny/Protective type of girl. I always protect my friends from bullies, I can be lovable if I tryed to be, Im always crack'n Jokes, and Im just soo chill that people actually start to wonder if I do drugs and Im like "No, I don't im just naturally chill" and I realized I have this natural competitive side to me, whenver playing a sport I just whip out my inner danger side! (lol). So I found out who I am through out High school.

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